
Catherine Malli-Dawson

From me, to you

Together, let’s discover and celebrate your why.

Throughout my journey in life, I realized that if I want to be connected with others, I need to first connect with myself.

I recognized that communication internally is as important, if not more important, than externally.

I learned that nothing is going to happen if I don’t take action and make the hard choices.

And most importantly, I learned to celebrate.

Celebrate the wins, learn from the losses, and not let either define me.

From Me, To You

Together, let’s discover and celebrate your why.

Throughout my journey in life, I realized that if I want to be connected with others, I need to first connect with myself.

I recognized that communication internally is as important, if not more important, than externally.

I learned that nothing is going to happen if I don’t take action and make the hard choices.

And most importantly, I learned to celebrate.

Celebrate the wins, learn from the losses, and not let either define me.

About Me

Coming from a blue-collar, Midwest upbringing, growing up in a trailer park and dropping out of school, becoming a single mother at the age of 25, no one believed that Catherine would achieve all that she has. Her secret? She always looks at what is possible and never lets anyone tell her otherwise. 

This fortitude carried over into her 30+ years of corporate experience where she climbed the corporate ladder, traveled internationally, lived in England where she met her husband, returned to the US to start a new career in a completely different industry and eventually burned herself out. So, how did a trailer park brat become a successful executive, mindfulness and meditation coach, WildFit coach and international best-selling author?  

Recovering and reclaiming herself, she looked back over her years of experiences and identified the things that made her unique. Out of her trials, tribulations and life challenges, the most important lesson she ever learned is to understand her WHY in all that she does. Catherine now helps others reconnect with themselves and identify their WHY’s in life so they can connect with their purpose and live a more mindful life. 

Catherine is currently writing her first science fiction fantasy trilogy that will be published in 2022. She lives in Sedona, AZ with her husband, two English Bulldogs, nine chickens and wakes up in gratitude every day.

About Me

Coming from a blue-collar, Midwest upbringing, growing up in a trailer park and dropping out of school, becoming a single mother at the age of 25, no one believed that Catherine would achieve all that she has. Her secret? She always looks at what is possible and never lets anyone tell her otherwise. 

This fortitude carried over into her 30+ years of corporate experience where she climbed the corporate ladder, traveled internationally, lived in England where she met her husband, returned to the US to start a new career in a completely different industry and eventually burned herself out. So, how did a trailer park brat become a successful executive, mindfulness and meditation coach, WildFit coach and international best-selling author?  

Recovering and reclaiming herself, she looked back over her years of experiences and identified the things that made her unique. Out of her trials, tribulations and life challenges, the most important lesson she ever learned is to understand her WHY in all that she does. Catherine now helps others reconnect with themselves and identify their WHY’s in life so they can connect with their purpose and live a more mindful life. 

Catherine is currently writing her first science fiction fantasy trilogy that will be published in 2021. She lives in Sedona, AZ with her husband, two English Bulldogs, nine chickens and wakes up in gratitude every day.
