Creating a space for being quiet

I often hear from people about how hard it is to find time for themselves. Often what they mean is that they don’t make time for themselves. One of the keys I’ve found to really connecting with my inner wisdom is to make the time to be quiet. I use this quiet time for different things depending on what is happening in my life. Sometimes it’s a time for me to journal, meditate, nap, or just be. I incorporate my quiet time into my morning routine. This way it’s something I do first thing in the morning when everyone else is still sleeping or just waking. It allows me to ease into the day, reflect on the prior day and what lies ahead for me in the coming day. I believe the key to this being a successful practice is that I have a dedicated space for my quiet time, and I keep to roughly the same schedule every day.  

 Some tips on how best to prepare your space.  

 1) Identify the place that brings you a sense of calm, safety and quietude. This could be a special corner in your bedroom, study or lounge. It could even be a quiet place on your patio or in your garden. Being outdoors is always a great place to relax and be quiet. – for me this is my morning sauna time or on our back patio with the rising sun (weather permitting)  

2) Keep it simple, comfortable and uncomplicated. Bring things that are meaningful to you (crystals, favorite images, blankets, pillows, etc) – having a plant or something natural helps you connect to nature, if your space is inside  

3) Have a journal dedicated to your quiet time. Have a pen for capturing moments of inspiration, jotting down your to do list or just doing a brain dump to clear your mind.  

4) If you relax through scent, then burn incense, sage, palo santo, atomizer, etc. Keep the fragrance natural and consistent for your quiet time. (ie. don’t do sandalwood one day and a floral scent the next). This helps to signal the mind that it’s time to quiet, calm and prepare to meditate. 

5) If you like music when you meditate, then choose some simple meditative tracks. Using the same music also signals the mind to quiet, calm and prepare to meditate.  – My favorites are Tibetan Singing Bowls and Shamanic Drums  

6) Let your family and friends know that when you’re in your quiet space they are not to disturb you unless there is an emergency or urgent need. Pre-define what would constitute an emergency or urgent need so there will be no questions.  

7) Make time in your day to sit in your quiet space for at least 15 minutes. Even if you don’t meditate in this time, it allows you to connect to the space and to yourself. 

Once you’ve identified and set up your quiet space, conduct a small ritual to bless it and really connect with the energy in the space. Sit quietly, take three long deep breathes and feel the energy that you’ve created. Set your intention for the space. Then just sit quietly for a few minutes and enjoy your first quiet time in your new space. 

Relax, rejuvenate and reconnect.
